Predisposed--Book Review
Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences, by John Hibbing, Kevin Smith & John Alford (2014). The...
Unemployment Stats
Some issues should not result in much political disagreement, but do. Labor statistics become partisan despite good statistical analysis...
Unbiased News?
Fake news is a thing, sites that publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation. Unethical journalism has a long history. At the founding...
Likely Events
Listing possible events is one thing; determining realistic probabilities another. Of the list yesterday, I think two are likely (greater...
Subjective Probabilities on President Trump
The early views on President Trump run the gamut. Eurasian Group President Ian Bremmer considers Trump likely to continue the presidency...
Moderate Think Tanks
In theory, these should be my go to sites. However, it all depends on topic, quality of analysis, and so on. In any case, here are five...
Liberal Think Tanks
Liberal think tanks seem to be funded less and many probably were formed as a counter to the successful conservative counterparts. Center...
Conservative Think Tanks
Many conservative think tanks are well known and seem to be well funded. They have different goals, such as libertarianism (Cato) or...
Think Tanks 2
Hundreds of think tanks and other organizations have think tank components. Some of the think tanks can be categorized as conservative,...
Think Tanks
Think tanks are research organizations typically focusing on specific topics, generally set up as nonprofits with tax-exempt status. They...
Tversky & Kahneman and the Birth of Behavioral Economics
While standard (neoclassical) economics assumes people are rational and all-knowing, psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman...
The Psychology of Conservatives Versus Liberals
In Predetermined, Hibbings et al. described characteristics of liberals versus conservatives based on psychological and biological...
Median Voter Model (MVM)
The MVM has been a standard economic and political science framework to analyze elections. The basic idea is candidates move to the...
Why I'm Median Voter Guy
Hibbings et al. (2014) in Liberals and Conservatives and the Biology of Political Differences proposed that the conservative/liberal...