Trust and Honesty
Behavioral economist Dan Ariely (I have earlier posts on his books) was on TV talking about trust and honesty. Trust is assuming someone...
Finally, Median Voter Guy Can Celebrate
As stated in the Washington Post: "Richard III out, Atticus Finch in." Joe Biden is a real moderate, with long experience working with...
Win Bigly: Book Review
Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter (2017), Scott Adams: the creator of Dilbert. In Rage Woodward explained that...
Rage: Book Review
Rage (2020), Bob Woodward, relatively long and current, adding some insight, but little that’s really new. I suppose this follows given...
Four Threats: Book Review
Four Threats: The Recurring Crises of American Democracy (2020), Mettler and Lieberman, unique and interesting analysis of gross...
Government on the Cheap
It should be obvious that public policy often fails as governments at all levels don’t have the resources to do the job professionally....
Losers and Suckers
My father was in the Army Air Corps in World War II. My wife Naomi and I were both in the Army. I have ancestors who fought in World War...
Republican Convention: I Watched the Whole Damn Thing!*
I watched the convention with befuddlement. They’re saying the current Trump-led nirvana will be destroyed by socialist-commie, godless...
Is Trump a Fascist?
In “How Fascist is Trump? There’s Still a Formula for That” (Washington Post, August 23, 2020) John McNeill (Professor of history,...
Demagogue for President: Book Review
Dangerous demagogues like Donald Trump have no power in a properly functioning democracy (L 4608). Demagogue for President: The...
Time to Write That Dystopian Novel
There is no time to waste. Start with the ridiculous plot that a none-too-bright reality show host runs for president as a right-wing...
You're Not Listening: Book Review
You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why it Matters (2019), Kate Murphy; listening is important. This book goes into more...
Republicans in Power: The Evidence is In
Start with the opening of EJ Dione’s column: “This Republican Implosion Has Been a Long Time Coming” in the Washington Post (July 30,...
Intellectual Cul de Sac
It’s astonishing to me that their reputations mean so little to them. Garry Trudeau [about William Barr and Lindsey Graham] Cartoonist...
A Couple of Cheers for Republicans
I think I have pretty good moderate credentials. Early on, I tended to vote Republican, beginning with Nixon (granted, I'm not proud of...