Duped: Book Review
Duped: Truth-Default Theory and the Social Science of Lying and Deception (2020), Tim Levine. Gladwell's Talking to Strangers used...
Veblen Goods
Veblen goods are luxury products (services also apply) where quantity goes up with price, contradicting the usual interpretation of...
Impeachment Hearings
After a couple of weeks of House impeachment hearings, what stands out to me is the professionalism of the foreign service officers (also...
Echo Chambers and Epistemic Bubbles
An article in the paper ("A Reverb Epidemic" by Thi Nguyen) caught my attention, considering "radical polarization." Politics jumps out...
Malcolm Gladwell: Book Reviews
After Talking to Strangers, it's time to reread Gladwell's earlier books and add some analysis. A basic characteristic of Gladwell's...
Education of an Idealist: Book Review
The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir (2019), Samantha Power. Detailed memoir of her life, parts of it relevant to a MVG perspective....
Becoming: Book Review
Becoming (2018), Michelle Obama, interesting and inspirational memoir by the former First Lady. She grew up in a working class home in...
Information Wars: Book Review
Information Wars: How We Lost the Global Battle Against Disinformation & What We Can Do About It (2019), Richard Stengel. Stengel was...
Wall Streeters: Book Review
Wall Streeters: The Creators and Corruptors of American Finance (2017), Edward Morris. Covers 14 men with influence on 20th century...
Three Cheers for South Park
After South Park was banned by China for criticism on censorship, creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone issued the following "official...
Talking to Strangers: Book Review
Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About The People We Don't Know (2019), Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell is on my list to read as soon...
Blinders for Economists
My blinders hypothesis is still alive and well. I'm an accountant, but much of my training is in economics (plus I have a masters degree...
Cheap Thrills: Mocking the Other Guy
Reading the Sunday editorials, I was struck by the gratuitous insults using a single modifier, usually an adjective. It started with a...
Phishing for Phools: Book Review
Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception (2015), George Akerlof and Robert Shiller (AS), considering behavioral...
George Will Goes After Chicago Restaurants
In today's column "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Rent-seekers" Will attacks Chicago restaurants as rent seekers, which he...